School Counseling at SRAE

Here are some of the things that happen in School Counseling at SRAE:
Classroom Guidance Lessons
Throughout the course of the year, the school counselor conducts developmentally appropriate school counseling guidance lessons in the classroom.  These lessons last for about 30 minutes and meet Pennsylvania’s Career Education and Work standards (CEW’s) and the American School Counselor Association's (ASCA) National Standards for student competency. A counseling lesson may include an active learning activity, technology, arts and crafts, games and/or the use of visuals.  **The guidance curriculum works to meet the academic, career, and personal/social needs of ALL students.**
ASCA National Standards for student competency
PA Career Education and Work Standards
Small group activities may be utilized when identified students have a common need that may be creating a barrier to learning and/or academic success.  Small groups are made up of 2-6 students and take place at non-academic times during the school day (most often during lunch). Small group activities may focus on social skills, learning to make and keep friends, grief and loss, divorce, organization, self-control, or self-esteem. **Students will be admitted into a small group once a need is identified and parental permission is granted.**
Individual Services 
Day-to-day individual responsive services are available to meet the needs of your child.  The school counseling office is a safe space for your child to come and talk freely and feel listened to.  It is important to recognize that this is not therapy, but a place within the school setting in which your child can talk in confidence about their personal struggles regarding behavior, classroom/academic pressures, problems at home, and/or struggles with friends.  Students are told "What you say in here, stays in here". There are three exceptions to this rule: 1) If someone is hurting you, 2) You are hurting yourself, or 3) If you plan to hurt someone else. In those cases, confidentiality will be broken in order to get your child the help they need.  This understanding helps to build trust.