For your last week of class Miss Bell and Mr. DeJulia have provided you with the last Workout Calendar Level 2-Week 4! If you are in need of workouts to do over the summer, please feel free to refer back to all of the ones we have provided you on here! Level 1 workouts are on the Exercise Dictionary 1 and Level 2 are on Exercise Dictionary 2, if you need a refresher on how to complete a certain movement!
Remember that our goal for you is to move your body at least 60 minutes everyday this summer! Find something you enjoy and even something that challenges you to work hard and set goals!
To our 8th grade students, congratulations on completing middle school and advancing to the high school, you'll do great! We miss all of our students and want you to have a safe, healthy, and joyful summer!
If you need anything at all, please do not hesitate to reach out to either one of us! Have a great summer and we are excited to be back in the gymnasium and classroom with you this August!
Some situations cause people to feel anxious or nervous. For example, teachers are feeling anxious about the COVID19 pandemic and how they are going to provide online instruction to their students. You might be feeling anxious because you haven't got to socialize with your friends, participate in the activities you love, and you have to spend a large portion of your day on the computer! Because anxiety is an unpleasant feeling, it is natural to try to avoid situations that cause anxiety. However, a more adaptive approach is to learn how to cope effectively with anxiety.This week's lesson is going to provide a brief overview of anxiety, its physical and emotional effects, and how to cope with anxiety in a way that BENEFITS YOU!
Everyone experiences feelings of anxiety from time to time. Anxiety can be described as a sense of uneasiness, nervousness, worry, fear, or dread of what's about to happen or what might happen. While fear is the emotion we feel in the presence of threat, anxiety is a sense of anticipated danger, trouble, or threat. Feelings of anxiety can be mild or intense (or anywhere in between), depending on the person and the situation. Mild anxiety can feel like a sense of uneasiness or nervousness. More intense anxiety can feel like fear, dread, or panic. Worrying and feelings of tension and stress are forms of anxiety. So are stage fright and the shyness that can come with meeting new people.
It is important to find coping strategies for anxiety that work for YOU!
Physical activity is a great coping mechanism for Miss Bell and Mr. D! We have provided a list below that has great ideas for safe, healthy, and effective ways to help you cope (deal) with feelings of anxiety. Try out more than one, you might find that different coping skills work better for you than others. Also remember, if you are feeling anxious and need to talk to someone about it, you can always reach out to a TRUSTED adult. For example, a teacher, parent/guardian, school counselor, principal, a trusted family member etc. There are also great resources on the Slippery Rock Area School District Schooling Counseling Website linked here for parents/guardians and students:
This week you can find the Week 3-Level 2 workout calendar and a health lesson on anxiety!
Use Exercise Dictionary 2 if you need to watch the videos on how to complete the exercises for the week!
Remember, you can still participate in any of our challenges and send us your results, we want to hear from you!
Let's have a great week, keep moving and working towards your physical and mental health goals!
Mr. DeJulia and Miss Bell are here for you if you need anything at all, send us an email and we'll get right back to you!
Let's learn about SLEEP!
This week's video gives you a few tips that will help you get a better, more restful night of sleep!
Reflect on this:How does getting restful sleep consistently play a role on your physical, mental, and emotional health?
Watch Miss Bell's video below and fill out the Sleep Worksheet below to track your sleeping habits over this week!
Self-image is the mental picture (beliefs and attitudes) we have of ourselves.
Self-image is formed as a result of our perceptions of what others think of us and our past experiences.
We tend to act like the person we believe ourselves to be. Therefore, having a positive self-image is important because it can have a powerful influence on our behavior.
Our self-image is complex and based on all that we do and think.
We should evaluate our strengths and weaknesses for specific situations and not over-generalize.
It is possible to develop a more positive self-image by setting and achieving personally meaningful goals.
Self-Image Tips
Have a positive attitude.
It's OK to make mistakes!
If you don't reach a particular goal, don't think of it as a failure. It is a learning experience.
Praise yourself for any progress that you make toward achieving your goal.
Identify any areas that need further improvement and work on them with confidence and determination.
Check out this video about some other ways to boost your confidence, self-image, and esteem!
Hello ! We hope you are doing well and staying active!
This week try out the six new workouts from the workout calendar! Remember, if you do not know how to perform a movement check out the Exercise Dictionary 2 and click the blue hyperlinks for YouTube tutorials on each one of the exercises!
Keep working hard and trying to reach 60 minutes of physical activity everyday!
You've got this, finish the school year strong!
-Miss Bell and Mr. DeJulia
10 Minute Squat Challenge!
Try out the 10 minute squat challenge with Mr. D and Miss Bell!
Set a timer and see how many you can get in 10 minutes!
When you're finished email Miss Bell and Mr. DeJulia and let us know how you did.
Make sure you check out the video to review how to complete a squat with great form!
We can't wait to see how you did!
Miss Bell and Mr. DeJulia
Sun Safety
For many of us, lying in the sun is the ultimate relaxation. But too much sun can give you wrinkles, sunburn and put you at risk of skin cancer. This summer learn how to keep yourself safe.
Use sunscreen with at leastSPF 30 and UVA/UVB protection every time you go outside and re-apply every two hours when playing/working outdoors (re-apply more often when swimming).
Wear hatsthat shade the face, scalp, ears, and neck for greater protection. If a baseball cap is worn, be sure to protect exposed areas (ears, neck) with sunscreen
Protect your eyes from UV rays, which can lead to cataracts later in life. Look forsunglasses that wrap around and block as close to 100% of both UVA and UVB rays as possible.
Wear clothing with a tight weave and loose fit that covers skin to help protect against UV rays.
UV rays are strongest and most harmful during midday (10am ā 4pm). If possible, try to move to the shade, under an umbrella or tree.
Happy May! Welcome to Week 5 of Distance Learning!
Mr. DeJulia and I hope you are staying safe, moving your bodies, and taking time to improve your overall wellness.
This week we have three different lessons that we would like to try participate in!
1. Home Workout Calendar Level 2- Week 1! Check out the videos from the Exercise Dictionary 2 for movement explanations in the blue hyperlinks!
2. Sun Safety Health Lesson
3. 10 Minute Squat Challenge!
*See Mr. D's YouTube Video*
Please let Mr. DeJulia and Miss Bell know how you did with this week's activities! We would love to hear from you!
Stay healthy and keep moving!
Mr. DeJulia and Miss Bell
Wellness Bingo Challenge!
Check out Miss Bell's video about the details for the Wellness Bingo Challenge! The bingo board is posted below. Try to complete as many squares as you can on your bingo board and send us a picture or create a list of all of the wellness activities that you were able to complete!
We cannot wait to see how many bingos you will win! Have an AWESOME week!
A lever is a Simple Machine. It is something that can be used in a lot of ways. One way is by measuring things, or by seeing which weighs more. A lever is supported by a fulcrum which it uses to lifts weights. Levers are one of six simple machines and there are three types.
Types of levers
There are three kinds of levers. The difference between them is where the fulcrumis and where the forces, effort and resistance, are.
First class
A first-class lever is a lever where the fulcrumis in between theeffortandresistance(the load). Seesaws and our neck are examples of first class levers.
Second class
A second-class lever is where theresistanceis between theeffortand thefulcrum. Wheel barrows and our calf muscles are examples of second class levers.
Third class
A third class lever is where theeffortis between theresistanceand thefulcrum. Tweezers and our forearm are examples of third class levers.
We hope that you had a great week last week and had the opportunity to try our Push-Up Challenge! If you didn't already try it, you still can and let Mr. D and I know how you did! For fun maybe even challenge your family members to try!
This week we have another Workout Calendar for you to try, you can even get your family involved! If you need a refresher on how to complete a movement, the Exercise Dictionary has YouTube links to all of the movements! All you need to do is click on the blue hyperlinks and you'll be all set! Let us know how everyone did! Also, how you are handling your stress during this time of uncertainty? A great way to help cope with stressors in your life is to keep your body moving! Try going for a walk, stretching, or playing a game!
Remember Mr. DeJulia and Miss Bell want you to get your 60 minutes of activity in everyday and to try to fuel your body with nutritious food! (Check our Miss Cessar's page if you need any ideas)
Be sure to check out this week's Wellness Bingo Challenge and Health lesson on levers!
Stay healthy and keep moving!
Miss Bell and Mr. DeJulia
Every Kid Health Week is an annual observance created in 2013 to celebrate school health and wellness achievements! Each day of Every Kid Healthy Week shines a spotlight on the great actions schools and families are taking to improve the health and wellness of their kids and the link between nutrition, physical activity, mental health and learning- because HEALTHY kids are better prepared to learn and thrive!
Watch the Push-Up Challenge video below to see Mr. D and Miss Bell take on the 55 push-up challenge. For the specific details please read below!
55 Push-Up Challenge- Complete the Warm-Up and as much of the challenge as you can!
Warm- Up: Do each exercise for one minute.
1. High Knees
2. Jumping Jacks
3. Shuffles
4. Seal Jacks
Be sure to take breaks in between sets of push-ups! Also, you are trying to complete as much as YOU can. Whether you finish all ten sets or you only complete five, that is great. You are trying to challenge yourself and create goals based on your performance. The sets and repetitions are as follows:
Set 1: 10 Push-ups
Set 2: 1 Push-up
Set 3: 9 Push-ups
Set 4: 2 Push-ups
Set 5: 8 Push-ups
Set 6: 3 Push-ups
Set 7: 7 Push-ups
Set 8: 4 Push-ups
Set 9: 6 Push-ups
Set 10: 5 Push-ups
Be sure to let Miss Bell and Mr. DeJulia know how you did on your push-up challenge!
We can't wait to hear from you!
Health: The Muscular System
Miss Bell& Mr. Dāsgoals for each of you is to continue to move!
In order to accomplish this, you must learn how to take care of your bodies by trying new activities that will keep you moving, proper nutrition and understanding how your bodies work. You also must learn how our body operates best by studying about our different Body Systems.
We had begun the Muscular Systemwhen school was closed, so we thought this would be a great time to review and begin to expand on what we already have learned.The first video clip will review the two main categories of muscles, Involuntaryand Voluntary Muscles, and also review the types of muscles that are within their groups. Involuntary are Cardiacand SmoothMuscleswhile Skeletal Muscles are Voluntary.The videowill also explain where we can find these Muscles in our bodies.
The second video clip is a listing of the major Skeletal Musclesin our bodies. The first portion of the video lists all the anterior (front) muscles while the second section lists the posterior (back) muscles!
Finally, this last video clip is really interesting. Many of you wanted to know how the Skeletal Muscleswere named. This video explains in depth that muscles were named for a variety of reasons.Muscles were named for their actions, size, origins, insertions and shapes and also were they are located in the body.
Please watch through both video clips and let us know...
1. Anything new that you learned.
2. Any information that you remembered from our muscular system lectures before we went to distance learning.
3. How can learning about the muscular system help us to MOVE our bodies efficiently and effectively when we are exercising, playing a game, or simply performing everyday tasks?
Miss Bell and Mr. D
Here is your Week 3 Workout Calendar!
1. Use the Exercise Dictionaryto look up movements that you may need help to complete. The blue hyperlinks will take you to YouTube clips that breakdown the components of each exercise!
2. Let Mr. DeJulia and Miss Bell know how these fitness opportunities are going for you. Even create a video of you doing the workout and share with us!
3. These workouts should take around 15-20 minutes, so make sure you are looking for other ways to keep moving to reach you 60 MINUTES of physical activity everyday!
4. Stay tuned for an awesome PUSH-UP Challenge that Mr. DeJulia and Miss Bell are providing for you this week.
5. Keep moving and making your health a TOP PRIORITY during this stressful and uncertain time.
Welcome to Week 3 of distance learning! We hope you are doing everything you can to stay safe and healthy during this time. How is reaching towards your goal of 60 minutes of physical activity going? Have you been using our weekly workout calendar? Are you the fitness activities fun, challenging, too easy? Let us know! We would love to hear from you! You can contact us through our school distract emails that are listed on our welcome message page.
This week we have some exciting content for you! Check out all of the content above for some great health, fitness, physical education, and wellness knowledge for you!
Remember, Mr. DeJulia and Miss Bell want to hear from YOU feel free to email us about how you're doing with our enrichment activities or if you need any more resources to help you to stay fit and healthy!
We miss you and look forward to an amazing week ahead!
Welcome to week 2 of our distance learning enrichment activities!
We will be posting our Week 2 Fitness Calendar below. The workouts are different than Week 1, but if you need a refresher on how to perform any of the movements, please refer back to theEXERCISE DICTIONARY above that has the blue hyperlinks to the movement videos! If you need to do modified versions of the workouts, go for it! We want quality movement rather than quantity.
Each one of the workouts takes about 15-20 minutes, so make sure you are getting other movement opportunities in your day! On top of their daily physical fitness time, Miss Bell has been taking her dog for long walks and Mr. D has been going for bike rides! Take at least 60 minutes everyday to focus on moving your body and the benefits it has for your overall health and wellness! Reflect on this... how can getting your 60 minutes of activity in daily improve your mental, physical, social, and environmental health? If you want to, let us know your response, we would love to hear from you!
Check out this video below about eating the rainbow! Did you know that different colors of fruits and vegetables offer us a variety of benefits?Which color group of fruits and veggies do you like the best?Which color group could you add to your daily nutrition? If you're up to it, let Miss Bell or Mr. D know your answers!We would love to hear from you!
The better quality "fuel" you give your body through nutrition, the more energy you'll have to complete your day!Whenever you make your nutrition choices today, think to yourself, "how will this choice fuel me for my day?"
Stay tuned for more enriching health and wellness content to be added to our page throughout the week.Try out your daily workout from the Week 2 Home Workout Calendar,and keep moving to get your 60 minutes of daily physical activity!
You Rock!
Miss Bell and Mr. DeJulia
Happy Easter students!
We hope you have a fun, safe holiday celebrating with your families!
Miss Bell and Mr. DeJulia
Hello! I hope you have given our workouts a try for the week and you are working towards your 60 minutes of physical activity everyday!
Excellent health is not just about moving our bodies, we need to practice healthy eating and beverage choices as well. Here is a new challenge for today, watch the video link provided, The Sugary Truth, and try to be mindful of the snacks and beverage choices you are making throughout the day! Remember, your goal is to FUEL your body to have ENERGY!
If you would like, share with Miss Bell or Dr. DeJulia something that you learned from the video. Are you eating any snacks or drinking beverages that have hidden sugar? What could be a better option for you? Let us know!