Welcome and Classroom Information

Welcome! I am Mrs. Gaul and I teach Life Skills at Moraine Elementary School! 

Supplies… oh yes… supplies. I cannot even put into words how appreciative I am when parents donate supplies to the class! So, here is a BIG thank you in advance if you donate anything! There are some supplies that your child will have to have ALL year no matter what that may or may not need to be replaced (pencils, glue stick, crayons, colored pencils, etc.) 



MUST HAVES:                                                              DONATIONS:
1.12 pack of pencils                                                       1. Disinfecting wipes

2. 3 large pink erasers                                                    2. Tissues
3. Highlighter                                                                  3. Hand sanitizer
4. 24 pack of crayons and/or colored pencils
5. 3 pack of glue sticks 
6. One highlighter