If you wish for your student to be added to Band or Chorus for the 24-25 school year, you/they must complete the Band/Chorus Google Form. The link will be provided below, and it was emailed to students and placed on their Google Classrooms. We are asking that this form be completed and submitted prior to the end of this school year (May 28 deadline) to ensure they are scheduled for the following year. This form must be completed each year.
PLEASE NOTE: THIS FORM ONLY NEEDS COMPLETED ONCE PER YEAR. If you (or the student) has already completed this once, you do not need to complete it again until the next scheduling year.
Students are permitted to drop/add chorus throughout the first few weeks of each semester. While we encourage students to make these changes early in the school year, we are aware that there are special situations that occur. Students who wish to drop or add one of these classes must use the following drop/add form, which requires a parent and student signature, as well as a signature from the chorus/band teacher. The form must then be turned in to the office where the changes will need to be approved by the principal before they can officially be made in the computer.
This drop form is the one to use if your child is CURRENTLY enrolled, and wishes to drop the class.
New enrollments may also begin again for the second semester.