Title I
SRAE Title I Reading
Title I reading instruction is provided each day during a scheduled 30 minute MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Support) time. The instruction is provided by the building reading specialist and two other Title I reading instructors. Each of these three small reading groups has five or six students. Students in the primary grades work on phonemic awareness, letter sounds, phonics, and fluency. Students in the upper grades generally work on reading fluency, vocabulary, and reading comprehension.
Reading groups are formed and students chosen for small group Title I services using data from the DIBELS assessment. This test is administered three times per year and measures early literacy skills like letter naming, phonemic awareness, phonics, oral reading fluency, passage retell, and comprehension. In addition, students are chosen for Title I intervention based upon their PSSA ELA scores, Wonders Reading diagnostic and benchmark tests, reading report card grades, and teacher input. Students are not pulled from any other subject classes or recess to receive this additional reading instruction. “MTSS” reading time is an opportunity that is offered to all of the students in the building; all students move to a different teacher during their grade level MTSS reading time. During the school year, students may enter and exit the Title I program as their skills improve and reading needs change.
Progress reports will be sent home in the winter and again in the spring to parents of students enrolled in Title I. Questions about the program can be directed to:
Mrs. Cessar, SRAE Title I Reading Specialist