Mrs. Jurysta's Class

Welcome to my classroom website! I am thrilled to be entering my tenth year in the Slippery Rock Area School District! I have high expectations for my students, and I anticipate that this will be an outstanding school year! Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns:
Phone: (724) 865-2010 ext. 4106
About Me
I received my undergraduate degree in education from Seton Hill University. I have dual certification in General Education Pre-K through Grade 4 and Special Education Pre-K through Grade 8. I also obtained my master's degree in reading from Edinboro University of Pennsylvania.
I currently live with my husband, my daughter, and my dog in Butler. In my spare time, I love to read, craft, and spend time with my friends and family.
I also LOVE teaching!     
bursting with love

Rules for Mrs. Jurysta’s Classroom


1)   Listen the first time.

Listening the first time prevents confrontation and makes for a much more productive learning environment. Students will gain trust from the teacher, and the teacher will, in turn, give students more privileges and responsibilities.

2)   ALWAYS tell the truth.

Learning to tell the truth is a difficult concept for young students, but the earlier honesty is learned, the better. Students who learn to tell the truth gain trust and respect from their teachers and their peers, and build stronger relationships with them as well. Telling the truth also prevents further confrontation and more severe consequences.

3)   Be a friend, not a bully.

Bullying is not tolerated. In order for the classroom to be a safe place and a fun environment, students must treat each other with kindness and respect. When students see someone being mistreated, they are encouraged to be a friend, not a bystander. They may invite someone to sit at their lunch table, share their belongings and games, or help with a task. Whatever the case may be, they must learn to accept each other for their similarities and differences. We all have feelings, and our feelings must be treated with care.

4)   Treat everyone and everything with respect (the way you want to be treated).

Students are not expected to be best friends with every other person in the room, but they are expected to be civil with each other and treat their peers the way they, themselves, want to be treated. They must also treat their classrooms and their school with respect by keeping their desks neat, putting things back where they belong, and taking care of supplies. NO gum!

5)   Be a role model for others, and follow the rules.

Students are encouraged to be role models for their peers. By following the rules and demonstrating to others how to follow the rules, they are contributing to an exciting, safe, and productive learning environment.

These rules are designed to uphold my classroom vision that students will be able to enter a safe and happy learning environment. It is my goal for students to treat each other with kindness, participate, and have fun while learning. My classroom will be a positive space where students will feel safe physically, socially, and emotionally. Here, students will build skills and values that will help them grow into healthy and productive individuals. By instilling these values in our children, we can contribute to creating a bright future for our children and making the world just a little bit sweeter.


My behavior system is simple. Students will sign my Wow! board for positive behavior. At the end of the week, all students who are on the board receive a water bottle sticker and a chance to eat lunch in the classroom with a friend. If students misbehave, they sign the Whoops! board and lose five minutes of recess for each time their names are listed.

Parent Involvement


It is my sincere hope to work together with parents to create an enriching classroom experience for our children. Together, we can work to successfully teach our children important academics, values, and life skills that will help them to thrive in our ever-changing society. My door is always open to parents and families who wish to take part in their child's learning experience.



*Donations of tissues and disinfecting wipes are always appreciated!


It is my personal belief that students should not be overwhelmed by homework at the end of the school day or on the weekends. I typically assign homework packets that are in the same format as the tests I give from our textbook company. Students will have ample time to complete these packets - usually anywhere from 10-12 days. I may also have students finish in-class assignments for homework if they are not on task or using their time wisely in the classroom or if it is necessary for the following day's lesson. Please take the time to ensure that your child is completing the homework assignments and turning them in on time. They do count toward a participation grade.


How You Can Help at Home:

I strongly encourage you to make everything a learning experience for your child. Allow them to participate in baking, shopping, and other activities that involve math, science, reading, and other concepts. Also, choose books to read at home. Read a chapter or two before bed, and model for your children just how fun reading can be. Encourage them to read by taking them to the library and allowing them to choose their own books. Dedicate time to practicing and reinforcing skills learned at school. If you are ever in need of ideas or resources, please do not hesitate to ask!


check box


If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact me via email or school phone. Please visit the top of this page or the staff directory for my email address and school phone number. Know that I am always available to help in any way I can.